Marijuana (pot,
skunk, grass, weed, etc.) continues to be one of the most widely used
drugs because of the user’s attitude and personal reasoning.
Many different groups are trying to recommend that this drug
become legal. Honestly, being an old pot smoker myself, I can see why they
feel the way they do. There
is only one problem. The
concentration of the marijuana being produced today is much higher than
when I was 16 years old, about 39 years ago.
It is my opinion that smoking pot places each individual at a
high risk for infections and sickness that may otherwise be avoided.
White blood cells that are responsible for fighting off
infections get loaded just like the user.
They float on by, nonchalant in their lack of attack and could
care less that something foreign is in the body or not.
Sperm seem to have the
same idea. They float around going, “Oh look, it’s one of those eggs
we have been looking for!” Medical
purposes and mood altering are but several of the reasons that help
promote the effects of marijuana. My
opinion is simple: If it is
a drug, one that mood alters and is not necessary for daily functioning,
then we don’t need to smoke it. To
claim to be drug free and smoking pot is a lie.
I have come across many individuals during my work in the field
of addiction who believe that it is possible to work a program of
recovery while they are stoned. Good
Here is a simple yes and
no test to see if you have a problem with marijuana.
Have you
ever been known to get loaded or stoned all by yourself?
When a
problem arises or a difficult situation presents itself, is it easier to
smoke pot than deal with the problem?
When your
supply begins to run low, does panic and anxiety take over your life?
Have you
ever thought that life would have no meaning without pot?
Have you
experienced periods of difficulty remembering what you said or did?
Is smoking
pot not as fun as it used to be?
feeling lonely, isolated, afraid, do you smoke pot the change the way
you feel?
Does your
use of marijuana cause you to stay within yourself and not let other
people know who you are?
Do you
find yourself planning your day around your pot use?
Do people
who care about you ever say negative things about your pot smoking or
make statements concerning the relationship they have with you?
Do you
tend to hang around with people who smoke pot rather than seek out new
Have you
ever promised to cut down, or quit smoking pot and find that each time
you do, you break your promise?
Any answer of YES to any
of these questions indicates a problem with marijuana.
You need to seek out someone that can help you with this problem
and help you deal with this issue.