F.R.E.E.   Family Recovery thru Education & Empowerment



Cocaine and crank demonstrate similar characteristics, while being completely different in many ways.  Cocaine that is more expensive provides a “high” that lasts less than its twin cousin crank.  Both drugs can be ingested through inhaling, smoking, and intravenously.  Each drug is highly addictive and the “user” can prefer the drug to food, sex, work, and social functioning.  The main problem with both of these drugs is they are psychologically and physically addicting.

These drugs knock out the central nervous system.  Cocaine is so powerful that it has the ability to communicate to the heart that it is not beating fast enough resulting in the heart blowing up.  It is also able to do exactly the opposite where it tells the heart it is beating too fast, and the result is cardiac arrest.

I call these drugs “repeater” drugs.  The reason I have nicknamed them this is the fact that the user has to use the drug over and over again to reach the same effect.  What the user does not understand is this effect is:


Increased heart rate
Increased alertness
Respiratory arrest

Crank which lasts longer, can cause paranoia to be evident in the users life.  The effects last much longer combined with lack of sleep, nutrition, and mental alertness, can cause sever mental and physical problems.  Emotionally, these individuals are shut down and unavailable to interact with others.  “Tweaking” and isolation are two behaviors that definitely point to being under the influence of crank.  


1.         Confusion

2.                  Loss of motivation

3.                  Depression

4.                  Agitation and becoming aggressive

5.                  Craving the drug

6.                  Suspicious, up to and including paranoia

7.                  Impending doom experienced that reinforces the user to use again  

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